Prodigy Test Strips: The Most Accurate Glucose Test Strips on the Market
Prodigy test strips are known for their accuracy and are one of the few brands that have been clinically tested to be in line with the FDA’s accuracy guidelines. Prodigy test strips make monitoring your blood glucose levels easy, which can help you manage diabetes better, especially when paired with the Prodigy blood glucose meter. Many customers also find that Prodigy test strips are less painful than other brand test strips, which means you can get accurate readings every time!
How do blood glucose meters work?
A blood glucose meter (or, if you prefer, a glucometer) is an extremely convenient way to measure your blood sugar levels. These devices look and work much like a common thermometer (except that instead of measuring temperature, they measure glucose levels in milligrams per deciliter). They work by extracting just a few drops of blood from your finger and then reading your current glucose level on a small digital screen. It takes very little time or effort and provides instant results. It’s easy to see why so many people choose these meters over other options.
Inaccuracies in Blood Tests
Since diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) is such a complex disease, blood tests are not always exact. Many different factors can lead to inaccurate blood test results. This can cause distress for patients who may have had their diagnosis for several years, but still have not been able to find a treatment plan that works for them. Fortunately, though, new glucose test strips on the market from Prodigy Health Group (PHG) are making life easier for patients all over America who struggle with these test inaccuracies. PHG’s ProdigyTM Advanced System is revolutionizing diabetes management in ways that other blood sugar systems haven’t been able to do yet.
Why did Prodigy Test Strips come about?
There are a lot of people who have diabetes, but not everyone is satisfied with their current glucose test strips. In fact, some people have had experiences where they feel that they aren’t getting accurate results. That’s why Prodigy came to be; we wanted to bring you something better. We wanted to be able to provide you with glucose test strips that give you accurate results every time and make testing your blood sugar easy and comfortable, which is what led us to creating Prodigy Test Strips. Whether it’s your first time testing or if you do it regularly already, these test strips were designed for simplicity and accuracy in mind, offering consistent results so that you can always know how your health is doing throughout each day.
What makes these blood test strips so special?
Though accuracy is a common issue with glucose meters, it’s not hard to solve. Many meters come with calibration solutions that users must run through their devices at least once per day. This can take a while, however, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll be wearing an accurate reading each time you perform a check. That’s why some people prefer to use test strips in lieu of traditional meters—these strips provide immediate results that you can trust because they lack any way of being tampered with.
How often should you check your blood sugar levels?
There are a number of different factors that determine how often you should check your blood sugar levels, but it’s generally recommended to test before meals and after meals, plus once at night. Typically, patients using Prodigy test strips would check their glucose levels four times per day. This schedule is specifically designed to make sure you’re monitoring your blood sugar levels as much as possible while also ensuring you don’t experience too many disruptions in your daily routine. With Prodigy brand test strips, users typically need one testing strip for each time they test their blood sugar; two if they want to verify a reading. If you were checking your glucose four times per day with Prodigy brand test strips, therefore, expect to use four tests each day.
What tests can you perform with your finger prick device besides testing blood sugar levels?
A lot of consumers can be hesitant to perform a blood glucose test with a finger prick device like Prodigy and will often turn to other means for their testing needs. If you don’t have access to or aren’t close enough to easily get to professional medical equipment, you might think that your blood glucose test kit has lost its purpose. But it doesn’t have to! There are still plenty of ways that you can test your blood sugar levels at home and even when you travel (like when camping, hunting, or hiking). In fact, there are several different kinds of tests that you can use besides simply testing your blood sugar level!
How do you prevent infection with a finger prick device like this one?
One way to prevent infection is to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Try not to touch anything with unwashed hands and wait until your hands are completely dry before applying test strips. If you’re going to be using these often, it might be a good idea to stock up on an alcohol swab since they’re more sanitary than regular hand towels. Alcohol swabs can also help disinfect areas where blood may contact, reducing risk of infection in that area. You should also keep any sharps container tightly closed and out of reach from children or pets as well as dispose of used strips safely for disposal if applicable.